Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wherefore art thou, Kyle Walton?

Wherefore art thou,
Kyle Walton?

Kyle Walton.
It’ 4:30 am…
It’s that late?!
And it’s time…for “Wherefore art thou,”
Featuring everyone else in this room AND KYLE FUCKING WALTON!!!
Chet’s in this room! (Says Chet)
KYLE WALTON is my name.
Kyle Walton, where are you from?
Greenbrook, New Jersey.
YEAH. Alright, where did you go to school?
College or high school?
Fordham University.
FORDHAM UNIVERSITY. And, uh, you just graduated with WHAT DEGREES?
Degrees in Theater and English.
My favorite two subjects! What attracted you to this program Kyle Walton?
I just really like doing Shakespeare and it seemed like a wonderful opportunity and it was one of the places that called me back at NETC! So, you know…
Has it proven true?
Yeah, it has proven true.
It has proven true.
Proven true.
Now, what is your favorite Shakespeare play?
Because it is like Shakespeare wrote a horror movie and I love horror movies and I’m really interested in like, the fall of a man from like, a moral ground to the depths of like, evil…in a certain way. How like Godfather or like Breaking Bad is like Macbeth, or the Godfather is like Macbeth in a certain way.
Now, who’s your favorite character in all time…either to play or to read, I don’t care.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is, this sounds like ridiculous, but I do want to play Macbeth.
Yeah, it doesn’t sound ridiculous.
He’s just one of the characters I really wanna play.
You know, cause like, I’m fascinated by like, the fall…from where he starts to where he ends.
(An interruption…it’s Mitchell) Excuse me, I’m conducting an interview.
What kind of interview?
“Wherefore art thou,”
“Wherefore art thou?” I won’t interrupt.
Thank you. Can you do a monologue for us…all, in this room?
What monologue are you gonna do?
Saint Christmas day is my favorite to do from Henry 5.
Go ahead. Everyone SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Alexis: I’m so excited for this.
Mitchell: I hope you cut out…
Alexis: This is the first I’ve been on the blog at all…me…in the background of this recording…
Oh Mom! You’re the next interview!!
Alexis: I’m not doing this.
Great! I have everyone else I need!! Alright, go ahead. This is taking under 3 minutes…Mitchell’s took 17…
OOOOF, I certainly don’t remember it now…let me try.

If you have a piece of advice that you would like to give to someone else, receive, or anything, what would it be?
I would just say just keep…keep keeping on. As long as you can, just keep going and uh, don’t let anyone discourage you because people will have a bunch of different opinions but just like, keep doing you. That’s how I feel.
I can’t wait to go to Strand with you.
I can’t wait either, my friend. I’m so excited.
New York.
46 cent books on the outside.
On the outside.
Got some good paperbacks there.
It’s, that’s…thank you for this interview.
No problem, Caroline. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wherefore art thou, Rebecca Dickinson?

Wherefore art thou,
Rebecca Dickinson?

Yeah, well, uh…
I start right away. I need to catch everyone’s vulnerable moments and I caught you, literally red handed there…so…
Can I walk away?
I mean, whatever you want your contribution to the Apprentice blog…whatever you want it to be…just let me know.
I’m ready…I’m ready.
Make a choice!
It’s just been…it’s been a long week. It’s been a long week.
Of the last week!

What is your name?
Rebecca Dickinson.
What is your middle name?
Lee. Rebecca Lee Dickinson.
No, why…is that weird?
Jordan Lee Cohen. Rebecca Lee?
Oh and we actually found this out, like we discovered this early on in the program and then we spell it the same way…it’s a miracle. It’s a Christmas miracle.
Unbelievable. It’s incredible.

Now, where are you from?
I’m from Cohassett, Massachusetts. Uh, 45 minutes south of here.
We have some mutual friends.
We do indeed.
Because I did a lot of show with the BC High boys…
And all the girls…who loved BC High boys…went to NDA.
So you had to wear a uniform.
I did.
How was that for you?
I actually loved it cause I didn’t have to worry about dressing up for school and wearing make up and boys and I got to make some really great friends in high school. And I got to buy a new wardrobe when I went to college, which was great.
Wow, sounds great.
It was grand.
Maybe my kids will go to private school…
The only bad thing about the all girls school though was for our musicals, well, not even just musicals, but the theater department…we, um, we needed boys for our shows, but all the good boys were getting cast at their high schools and so we got all the rejects, which was rough. It was, it was, pretty rough.

What shows did you do there?
Um, I did Little Women, um, I did, um, Thoroughly Modern Millie, I did, what is that one called...Once Upon A Mattress...I think that's it. Most of the shows I did in high school I did outside of school.
So you know the twins, right? Gabbie and Cami Follett?
No, you've asked me this and I don't know them...
They did the BC High musicals, maybe they didn't do their own. I don't know...
Aren't you my year? 
They're a year older. Interesting.

Anyways, so did you do Shakespeare at...
No, I had never done Shakespeare until...last year. My junior year. I went to a study abroad program through Fordham University and it was audition for the program and it's a bunch of kids from all different colleges, mainly kids from Fordham through Kyle's program...the B.A. program there, and kids from all over the country pretty much. And so I did that program which kinda made me fall in love with Shakespeare, um, we had Stanislavski and Stage uh, Combat and Period Dance which was quite interesting. We got to watch, we got to see, usually about 2 professional shows a week and our tuition covered that, which was great. And a lot of our professors were teachers who had taught at RADA or LAMDA who were retired or part-time so they came to teach us which was great. We got the most amazing people.
That's great.
Did you do scenes from Shakespeare or did you do, like, a Shakespeare play?
Yeah, so we did scenes from Shakespeare in our Shakespeare text class and then in our Stanislavski class we did scenes from one play specifically. So it was cool.

So, do you have a favorite Shakespeare play?
Oh my gosh. Um, buh buh buh...I don't know. I love Midsummer, it's so fun and whimsical and I love how many different interpretations there are...with and yeah, I've really grown to fall in love with Twelfth Night after this summer. Just the way they did it...

Do you have a favorite character in all of Shakespeare...that you'd maybe want to play today...or one tomorrow?
I'd have to say Hermia. I cannot believe I haven't had the opportunity to do that role yet and I just have to do it, like, to get it out of my system.
I think that's right.
Cause it's me. It's who I am. I'm small. I'm fierce.
That's correct. I'm Helena. In some...
I heard you were Juliet though...
See it changes every week. I'm actually Juliet in real life...
In real life...
In real life. But it would be a shame if I never played Helena. It's complicated. Spiritually I am Juliet.
I got it. When are you gonna do it?
For Steve Maler.
He's gonna be like, why? And I'm gonna say, I like books. Maybe.

Do you want to do a monologue for me?
Should I?
You have to. I don't know why I made it seem like...yes or no.
Should I do dramatic...or funny?
I don't know. If I had a coin I'd flip it to see, but...just trust your heart.
Okay. I'll do some very dramatic Isabella from Measure for Measure. Are you ready? Should I just sit here and say it to you?
It's pretty harsh.
No! It's a conversation. That's what all acting is.
Is it.
Two people talking.
You've got this.
Ready, I'm gonna yell at you.
That's okay. I can take it. I'm a tough girl.

(Allison interrupts) Caroline? Are you "Wherefore art thou-ing?"
I am.
Is this going in the interview?
NO. It will, obviously, because everything does but, BYE.

(Griffin starts dancing)
There needs to be an interview room.
I need my own office.
You do.
I'm gonna request an office. 

Okay, I'm ready for your monologue, I'm ready for Isabella. Lay it on me. I'm ready.
So that was cool. Sorry if I was spitting at you.
That's okay. She just flipped me the bird. Double bird.
Claudio kind of deserves it, let's be real.
No you're right. I just received...
Is that the first time someone's given you the finger in these interview sessions?
I'm the first? See, I'm breaking records, I'm making history.
It's fierce. It's true! Fiercest one I know! I'm feeling scared right now.

Now, do you have a piece of advice that you like to give others?
Yes. And this was taught to me by one of my acting teachers. Acting is simply doing something to somebody else. That's it. That's all acting is. And I love it. Just so simple. Acting is not reacting. Acting is doing something to somebody else.