Mitchell Buckley?
I’m just gonna start
it anyways. Um…
Should I just get the Youtube app…would that be…
I don’t know.
Oh wait, hold on, it’s…come on. Oh, here we go.
They’re so loud,
should we go upstairs?
If you want, it’s your thing.
Well, do you want other
voices in your monologue?
Okay, we’re going
Is Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra Jr.?
No, there is a Frank
Sinatra Jr.
But it’s a different person?
It’s his son.
Well, I wasn’t sure if he was the son. Okay, I’m just gonna
type in Sinatra.
You, okay, well, we
can also cut the…if need be.
Do you want to sit in
the chair or the kidney?
I don’t care.
I get the chair.
How ’bout Sinatra my way? What’s your favorite Sinatra song?
I’m just gonna turn on Sinatra’s greatest hits.
Okay. Hi.
Sorry, still trying to pull up the Sinatra.
What’s your name?
My name is Mitchell Buckley.
You don’t have to
lean into it.
I don’t know.
Mitchell James Buckley.
Yeah, Mitchell James Buckley.
The first?
The first of my name.
Where are you from
Um, I’m from a small suburban town in Virginia called
Centreville. It’s just outside of Washington D.C.
Do you like Virginia?
Um, I think that Virginia’s a great state. Um, it’s
beautiful, it’s an important agricultural state. In terms of where I lived…was
boring as hell cause it was a suburb of D.C. There’s not a lot going on in the
suburbs. You know, every house looked the same it was one of those places.
Do you have any pets?
I do. Um—
Mac, yeah. Uh, we recently, very recently, like a year ago got our first pet. He’s a bulldog named Mac.
Mac, yeah. Uh, we recently, very recently, like a year ago got our first pet. He’s a bulldog named Mac.
Do you ever call him
Mac Daddy?
No. Um, sometimes we call him Big Mac.
Okay, that makes more
Yeah. I wanted to name him
Macduff, but my Mom—
You’re such a loser!
My Mom didn’t like
Um, so you go to
school at Emerson.
Yeah, I go to Emerson College.
I’m gonna turn him down a little bit...
So Emerson…
And what year are
I’m gonna be a sophomore and I’m studying acting.
The sun.
I know, the sun’s in your eyes. I’ll put my hand…
If I sit like this…I
can interview you.
Right. I’m blocking. It’s okay, because this interview has—
It’s all about you.
No visual component.
Well, I mean, I take
your picture.
Um. So you like
Yeah, I do. He’s a great writer.
Um, what attracted
you to this program?
I was looking for a program that, I didn’t start off even, I
didn’t know about Commonwealth Shakespeare Company like this time last year.
Um, I was looking for some…a way I could spend my summer where I could be
learning and performing at the same time, which is like really greedy of me. Um
but yeah, I wanted to be able to learn and perform at the same time and so this
program did appeal to me, obviously, because they have classes during the day and
then we’re working with the cast of Twelfth Night, we’re in our own production
of Much Ado About Nothing, we’re working on monologues and things, so I really
felt like it was a place where I could do that, I could learn and perform at
the same time.
You could do what you
Yeah, what I was looking for. And I just ended up finding
it, it looked like the right fit, and here I am.
Just like, random like that?
How did you find it?
I googled it. Like I just, like, I literally like, I was
like oh, like a Shakespeare program would probably be good for what I’m looking
for, so I like googled Shakespeare programs in Boston and then, this is what I
came across. And here we are today. It’s not a very beautiful story.
It’s a nice one.
But it’s an honest one.
An honest one.
Um, so what is your
favorite Shakespeare play?
I love Macbeth. I think Macbeth is a great play. I really
sympathize with Macbeth, ya know? He’s a man who wants everything. We all want
everything I think.
I guess…you
might…want everything? No?
Yeah. I’m ambitious.
Um, who’s your favorite character? Wait, changing it, what character do you want to play in your life?
I mean, there are a lot of characters I want to play in my
life. There are like stages in a person’s life, I think, like I couldn’t play
Macbeth yet because, people who are 30 or 40 or 50 play Macbeth, ya know? 19
year olds don’t play Macbeth or like, I’d love to play King Lear when I’m 80
but it’s not gonna happen anytime soon, ya know? Who, uh, now?! Because I’m the
right age, I’d love to play Hamlet, because I’m 19 years old and Hamlet’s a
young troubled man and I’m a—
Young troubled man.
I’m a young troubled man. Same with like, Edmund, I’d love
to play Edmund from Lear. He’s—
Another young
troubled man.
Characters I can sympathize. Obviously sympathize not on
their level but, there’s something in me that feels the same things they feel,
I think.
As young troubled
As troubled young men.
Um, what else do I
want to ask?
Um. You like to read.
I love to read.
What’s…if you had to
read a play, what play would you read?
Like one play for the rest of my life?
No, no, no, like if,
if we went to the library right now, and you had to pick one play to read, what
would you read?
Well, I’d pick something I haven’t read yet.
Fine, you want me to pick something I’ve read.
No, no, no…you can…no
sorry, I’m not supposed to like answer questions.
You…one that you…okay
starting over. Go back to where—
We’ll start the question over, we’ll cut that part out.
Yes, but I want to
know both answers.
Okay. A play that I’d like to read that I haven’t read?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
A play that I’d like to read again that I have read?
Yeah. Which one
haven’t you read?
Um, there are a lot of plays I haven’t read. Some of them
I’m ashamed of. Ya know?
I need to read Streetcar at some point.
I’ve never—OH Shakespeare
No, I thought you meant a play in general.
No, I thought you meant a play in general.
What, you haven’t
Shakespeare I’ve already read—
STOP. You’ve never
read Streetcar?
No, I’ve never read Streetcar.
Have you—
I know, I have read all his other stuff, but I’ve never read
Streetcar. Isn’t that weird?
Have you seen
You don’t know
anything about A Streetcar Named Desire.
No, I like know the characters, I like know the plot, but
I’ve never read it. Let’s get back to the question. I want to read Richard III
again because um, the last time I read Richard III was a couple of years ago,
and I know that I like, missed a lot of the beauty and horror of Richard III.
Because you were
I was young, yeah. I’d like to read, with the understand I
have of Shakespeare now, I’d like to read Richard III again. Um, and then um, I
want to read the Henrys, I haven’t read Henry VI trilogy. I haven’t read those
yet, so. But Joan of Arc is a badass.
Yeah, she’s pretty
(Sigh) I’m still
upset about Streetcar, you shouldn’t have ever said it..
I know, I know…
Fool for Love?
Of course, I love Fool for Love.
And um, True West.
True West, True West is like my dream role, is—
Which brother?
The one who starts off normal and goes crazy.
Duh. Ambitious.
Um, can you do a
Which one are you
gonna do?
Uh, I don’t know. I don’t wanna do something you’ve seen
I don’t know. I’m, I’m, you know what I’m gonna do? I just
learned this monologue recently.
Are you nervous?
No. I’m gonna do, uh, I’m gonna do Romeo.
I know. Isn’t that weird?
The other one I would do for you is Edmund but like—
Are you gonna get up
to perform this?
No, no, no, I’m just—
Getting on your
Are you ready, I’m gonna do Romeo…
Thank you.
Some of the lines I messed up. I switched one of the parts
and then I couldn’t remember…
It’s okay.
So anyone who’s well read on their Romeo and Juliet is gonna
realize that I fucked up that monologue, but—
But it’s okay.
Yeah, I feel like the intention was there—
It’s just “Wherefore
art thou,”
To hear my voice, to get my voice out there in the public…
Right, which is what
this is.
Do you have a lot of readers? Does this blog have a lot of
We need to get you more readers.
There have been like,
500 views on the website.
That’s not so bad.
Yeah, for…
I’ve read it…once. A couple days ago I read it, your posts.
Did you?
Yeah. Is this still part of the interview?
Yeah. This is still
the interview.
Who’s gonna interview you?
I don’t know. I’m a
little nervous. I don’t know, I have to choose someone… I trust.
Right. Don’t pick me. It’ll all be like—
It wont be an
Do you like poodles? Like…what…it’ll be weird questions.
Um, duh.
Okay, my favorite
Do you have a piece
of advice that you like? That you’ve—
Just a piece of advice? Any piece of advice.
Yes, NO…that you’ve
either received, given to someone else, or something you carry with you…or have
carried with you.
I think my favorite piece of advice is…that I like to give
Is that….the universe doesn’t care about you, which sounds
like a bad thing, but it’s actually very liberating, when you realize there’s
no, ya know, there’s no plan. There’s no, like…nobody has any idea where you’re
gonna end up, so it’s up to you where youre gonna end up. That’s my favorite
piece of advice.
That you give to
Right. People who I think, would want to hear it, ya know?
Cause there’s a lot of people who do believe that there’s a greater plan for
them. I don’t believe in any plans.
You don’t believe in
No. Maybe there’s a god, I don’t know, but—
I don’t think,
There’s a plan.
Where I end up is up to me, I think.
Have you received a
piece of advice?
Have I received a piece of ad—I’ve received lots of pieces
of advice.
Tell me one.
A good one…plenty of good ones. Um…
Tell me.
It’s something my mother said to me once. Um, when I was
trying to decide if I wanted to go to school for acting, if I wanted to pay that much money, because, to
learn to be an actor, and she said to me…and I expected my Mom to hate that
idea. I expected her to be like “Aw Mitchell…you gotta go find a job that’ll
make you money.” And what she said to me was, she’s like “Mitchell. You’re like
18 years old and you’re good at something…and you like to do it…just go like,
just go do it. And if it doesn’t work out, like, you’ll find something else to
do.” So…
You told me that
Yeah, see? Cause it’s good advice.
It is.
Maybe that’s my favorite piece of advice. I mean, I like
mine too.
They’re similar pieces of advice in the end…that like, you
have the power to choose.
Anything else to say?
NOPE. I have one more question!
Okay, ask your question.
Okay, ask your question.
Do you have a
favorite experience here so far?
Oh, oh, that’s a beautiful question. Ya know, I have…I’ve
had some good experiences here. Um, I’ve had a lot of good experiences here.
I’m trying to think of the best.
You have to be very
specific. Very specific.
Okay. Give me a sec…
I want details.
Alright. Let me think for a minute.
Alright. Let me think for a minute.
…it’s a pretty good Frank song.
It is a beautiful Frank song, It’s New York, New York, and I
Get A Kick Out Of You is next, so that’s great.
Can this moment be my favorite?
Every moment’s my favorite moment. That’s dumb. That’s a bad
That’s a dumb answer.
It’s a beautiful answer, but it’s the wrong one.
Yeah, I want—
You want like, an actual thing. A thing that happened…um…
You know, there was, there was a day where, cause we spent a
lot of this time intellectualizing Shakespeare and like really thinking about
Shakespeare, and like, digging into Shakespeare, which is the right thing to
do, when you’re like first approaching a Shakespearean text, so that’s like, what
we did with Twelfth Night for a while. We like went at these scenes from very
like, like what am I saying, what am I trying to get across, what does that
mean for my acting, like all these things, which again you have to do, it’s
like, like job number one with any script, Shakespeare, or anything else. Um,
but once we had gotten past that, I felt like I was kinda hitting like a block,
like, now how do I get this in my bones, how do I get this like, in my gut
instead of in my head and uh, Adam gave me a note that was like, he was like
“Mitchell,” because I’m playing Olivia in our, uh, our Greenshow piece, um, who
falls in love with Viola, he’s like “Mitchell, I want you to think about where
in your body your love for Ol, your love for Viola lies,” and um, which like,
it’s a good note, it’s nothing like mindblowing, but it’s a good note it’s a
good like, reminder to have. And then we did the scene again, and like, I was
so much more like, in my body, and I like, I finally felt like really good
about exploring the character of Olivia. That was a good moment. Yeah.
I was there for that.
Yeah, you were. It was the first thing I could think of.
I think those are all
my questions.
Weren’t you gonna ask me if I had anything to say to the
Yeah, do you have
anything else to say? WAIT. Did I…I’m making sure I asked all the ques—
I did. Do you have
anything you wanna say…to my people?
To your viewers.
To my audience.
Your loyal readers.
Which is ending up to
be, well, it’s gonna be you.
It’s gonna be me.
It’s gonna be me reading my own—
Word vomit.
Interviews are interesting. I think I would say to the people…make your art. Make your art. That’s it. That’s the whole…that’s all I’m gonna say.
Okay…you sure?
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